We take care of your day-to-day PowerBuilder support!
Ongoing support
Provision of an operational development environment
Your situation:
You are using PowerBuilder programs that require regular support tasks.
For example, minor program errors have to be fixed or inconsistent data has to be corrected again and again. Or minor program changes have to be made.
But in the meantime you lack enough PowerBuilder developers or you have to use your developers in other projects.

Our solutions:
We work remotely on your systems
To do this, you provide us with a developer PC via remote access, set up in the same way as your PowerBuilder developers. This includes
- Access to the databases
- Connection to the source management
- Access to the ticket system for support cases.
This way we are seamlessly integrated into your team and can independently perform all support tasks that are assigned to us via your ticket system.
We can even create new versions and deliver them to the business users if none of your employees is available.
This way your support is comprehensively ensured!
We work on our own systems
This solution is suitable if remote access is not possible at your site.
Then we work on our PCs and reproduce your development environment on our servers. With all necessary programs and databases.
For current support cases you send us a current database dump. For data cleansing we write the necessary scripts, which your employees can then execute.
In order to have the same program sources as your developers, we ideally use your source management. If you do not have a source administration, we will set one up, which we will then use together with your developers.
This way we have an optimal support.

Flexible work scheduling
We offer you special framework agreements with a flexible weekly quota for cooperation in service. Here you determine the extent to which you want to make use of our support.
If the booked time cannot be used, you can carry over this time to the next month.
Your advantage:
You secure a high guaranteed availability and make optimal use of your requested services. Services that are not used remain with you.